Here is the solution:
1. Go to your yii2-dynamic-form.js file. It’s located in app/web/assets/’somerandomnumber’/ directory.
2. Get a new version of code from below.
3. Paste it into file mentioned above.
4. Reload your form to see if it works.
// "kartik-v/yii2-widget-depdrop" var $hasDepdrop = $(widgetOptionsRoot.widgetItem).find('[data-krajee-depdrop]'); if ($hasDepdrop.length > 0) { $hasDepdrop.each(function() { if ($(this).data('select2') === undefined) { $(this).removeData().off(); $(this).unbind(); _restoreKrajeeDepdrop($(this)); } }); } // "kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2" var $hasSelect2 = $(widgetOptionsRoot.widgetItem).find('[data-krajee-select2]'); if ($hasSelect2.length > 0) { $hasSelect2.each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var configSelect2 = eval($(this).attr('data-krajee-select2')); if ($(this).data('select2')) { $(this).select2('destroy'); } var configDepdrop = $(this).data('depdrop'); if (configDepdrop) { configDepdrop = $.extend(true, {}, configDepdrop); $(this).removeData().off(); $(this).unbind(); _restoreKrajeeDepdrop($(this)); } var s2LoadingFunc = typeof initSelect2Loading != 'undefined' ? initSelect2Loading : initS2Loading; var s2OpenFunc = typeof initSelect2DropStyle != 'undefined' ? initSelect2Loading : initS2Loading; $.when($('#' + id).select2(configSelect2)).done(s2LoadingFunc(id, '.select2-container--krajee')); var kvClose = 'kv_close_' + id.replace(/\-/g, '_'); $('#' + id).on('select2:opening', function(ev) { s2OpenFunc(id, kvClose, ev); }); $('#' + id).on('select2:unselect', function() { window[kvClose] = true; }); if (configDepdrop) { var loadingText = (configDepdrop.loadingText) ? configDepdrop.loadingText : 'Loading ...'; initDepdropS2(id, loadingText); } }); }